Market Making with Minimum Resting Times

2023-07-06 19:44:22 UTC

Understanding the Role of Market Makers in Financial Markets

Striking a Balance Between Liquidity Provision and Risk Management

Market making is a crucial activity that enhances liquidity and fosters efficient trading in financial markets. Traditionally, market makers continuously provide buy and sell quotes for securities. However, some market making strategies incorporate minimum resting times, which impose brief pauses between quote updates. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of market making with minimum resting times, its advantages, challenges, and how it balances liquidity provision and risk management.

Understanding Minimum Resting Times:

Minimum resting times refer to predetermined intervals during which market makers refrain from updating their quotes. These brief pauses, typically measured in milliseconds, provide stability and mitigate excessive quote updates, allowing market participants to react to available liquidity and price changes.

Reducing Quote Flickering and Order Duplication:

One of the primary advantages of minimum resting times is the reduction of quote flickering and order duplication. Quote flickering occurs when market makers frequently update their quotes, causing rapid changes in bid and ask prices. This can confuse market participants and hinder trading decisions. By implementing minimum resting times, market makers reduce excessive quote updates, promoting a more stable trading environment.

Enhanced Risk Management:

Minimum resting times can assist market makers in improving risk management. By imposing brief pauses, market makers have time to assess market conditions, review their inventory, and adjust their quotes accordingly. This brief respite allows for more prudent risk management practices and helps mitigate potential losses from rapid and frequent quote updates.

Balanced Liquidity Provision:

Market making with minimum resting times strikes a balance between liquidity provision and order flow management. While continuous quoting ensures constant liquidity, it may also expose market makers to increased risk, particularly during volatile market conditions. Minimum resting times allow market makers to reassess their positions and liquidity provision strategies, ensuring stability while actively managing their exposure to risk.

Managing Technological Limitations:

Implementing minimum resting times can help manage technological limitations that arise from high-frequency trading and latency concerns. In fast-paced electronic markets, where trades are executed within microseconds, minimum resting times provide a buffer against potential issues such as order collisions, network latency, and system overload. This ensures smoother order execution and minimizes the impact of technological constraints.

Compliance and Regulatory Considerations:

Market making with minimum resting times may also be influenced by compliance and regulatory considerations. Some jurisdictions impose specific requirements regarding the frequency of quote updates or the minimum resting times between updates. Market makers must adhere to these rules to ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties or regulatory scrutiny.


Market making with minimum resting times offers a balanced approach to liquidity provision and risk management. By reducing quote flickering, enhancing risk management practices, and addressing technological limitations, market makers can strike a balance between stability and responsiveness in their quoting activities. However, it is essential to consider market conditions, regulatory requirements, and the specific needs of individual securities or markets when implementing market making strategies with minimum resting times.